postpartum hair loss momhawk

How to Limit Postpartum Hair Loss & Hide it – The Momhawk

Congratulations on your sweet new bundle of joy. Now, say goodbye to all that luxurious pregnancy hair. Starting at about 6 weeks after giving birth and carrying on to about 6 months postpartum you’re going to be losing it in clumps. I know what you’re thinking, “Postpartum hair loss? Big deal, I’ll just go back to my pre-pregnancy hair.” WRONG. For some reason, your temples get the worst of it and postpartum hair loss almost always leaves you with a lovely receding hairline. And, as if those 5+ months don’t suck enough, once it starts to grow back you’ll be left with a patch (or two) of short, spiky, impossible-to-style hair framing your face. Lucky for me, mine just happens to be at my part and cowlick which makes it extra wonderful {hello, sarcasim}.

postpartum hair loss momhawk

How to Limit Postpartum Hair Loss & Hide it – The Momhawk

*Obligatory liability statement: I am not a doctor, this is just what I tried and what worked for me. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about hair loss or how to prevent it, cover it, etc. Factual Fairytale is not liable for anything that happens due to these suggestions.

How to Limit Postpartum Hair Loss and Encourage Growth

For starters, you’re supposed to keep taking your prenatal which I have heard helps minimize hair loss. my vitamins (TMI alert) reek havoc on my digestive system so I take them sparingly. I know, not Dr. recommended but 9 months is my max on those horse pills.

I’ve also heard from several people there is a mixture you can create to spray on your hair to encourage growth and minimize the hair loss. I started trying this out and did feel like my hair was getting thicker but I’m but SO bad at anything hair related that I didn’t follow through with it early on. At 8 months postpartum I wish I had, ugh. It’s a crazy weird concept but a doctor weighted in on social media and said it probably works by breaking down any yucky stuff on your scalp (fungus, etc.) and promoting hair follicle health and hair growth. I’m not a doctor, try this at your own risk.

What I did to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth:

Step 1. In a small spray bottle add 1/4 of a tube of this monestat cream and fill with hot water. Shake until well mixed.

Step 2. Spray on roots all over your head or at least where you see it thinning. Allow to dry.

Apply every few days until you see results.

It will give a slight texture to your hair, sort of like its day 2 or 3 of not washing your hair. I would either apply dry shampoo or wear your hair up.


How to Hide Postpartum Hair Loss Bald Spots

Since I wasn’t great about applying the mixture listed above, I’ve got hair loss (it’s never fully avoidable). I live in a messy bun and if I’m feeling really snazzy I’ll do a side pony or side braid. When my hair is pulled back you can really see the bald spots at my temples. There is hair there but it’s so much thinner than everywhere else it sticks out like a sore thumb. Well, I’ve found an amazing solution and it’s super cheap and easy. Root spray for grey hair works AMAZING at filling in your thinning postpartum hair.

Step 1. Find you thinning areas.

Step 2. Shield your face (if your thinning is around your face). I just use my hand at the edge of my hairline.

Step 3. Shake the can up then hold it about 6″ away and spray in light bursts until desired coverage.

Step 4. (optional) Fluff it around or rub with a dry tissue to lighten and create a little dimension.

Once you do it it will basically last until you wash your hair. I don’t do it every time I wash it, only when I’m going on a date night, family event, or maybe an ECFE class. I’ve had 1 can of spray for over 4 months and I have probably half of it left so one can will basically last you as long as you need it! So cheap and easy with GREAT results.

How to Hide postpartum hair loss

Embrace the “Momhawk”

So, the bad news is, once the hair is growing back I have yet to find a way to style it. You can hair spray it down. I usually hair spray the area and then bobby pin it to try to dry it in place but it always ends up with a mind of it’s own at some point. Promote growth, cover the bald and then embrace the ridiculous postpartum hairstyle I affectionately call the “momhawk.”


Postpartum hair loss is no joke BUT it’s kinda fun to joke about since it sucks. So. Darn. Much. UGH!

It’s not a mohawk… it’s not a fauxhawk… it’s a MOMHAWK! Welcome to the club, Mommas!


postpartum hair loss momhawk


Update: At 1-year postpartum, I now have some “lovely” bangs I didn’t want. But the good news is, they are tame-able with some hairspray or long enough to hold back with an elastic headband. Thank the Lord because that momhawk was a bit ridiculous. 😉

How bad was your postpartum hair loss? Show me your Momhawk!

Share pictures of your momhawk in the comments below! #embracethemomhawk

Until Next Time,



postpartum hair loss momhawk

postpartum hair loss momhawk

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